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Estructuras Singulares

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Recent Site Visits: MLJ, GTN, and SCH

Recent Site Visits: MLJ, GTN, and SCH

We’ve had the privilege of conducting recent visits to projects that fill us with pride: MLJ, GTN, and SCH, extraordinary endeavors designed by Fran Silvestre Arquitectos. Each visit is a unique experience where we witness the materialization of our contribution to these exceptional architectural projects.

Being the structural designers goes beyond just drafting; our site visits stand as a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and precise execution. Observing how each beam, column, and detail seamlessly integrates into Fran Silvestre’s vision is a reminder of the significance of our role in the process.

We are thrilled to be part of these exceptional projects. To be entrusted with the responsibility for the structures and to see them come to life is a source of immense satisfaction. We are delighted to be part of projects that are not only visually striking but also push the boundaries of architecture.

We express our gratitude to Fran Silvestre Arquitecto, and we are excited about the future, continuing to be the backbone of projects that redefine contemporary architecture.